Busy Bees
Childcare LLC
Sample Daily Routine

Sample - Busy Bees Preschool Schedule
Arrivals/ Breakfast/Free Play
Clean up Classroom /Potty & Wash up
Snack/Clean up
Activity Time/Centers
Morning Meeting
Potty & Transition to Outdoor Play/Gross Motor Play
Transition Indoors/Wash Hands/Potty
Lunchtime/Clean Up/Prepare Nap Mats
Potty Breaks/Read 1 on 1 with all children/ Quiet Music
Quiet Rest Time /Quiet Activities
Put Away Nap Mats/ Potty/Wash Hands/Free play
Wash up/Afternoon Snack
Group Time/Afternoon Art Activity/Painting/Play dough
Potty/ Transition to Outdoors/Clean Classroom
Outdoor Play/Gross Motor Activities/Transition Indoors
Potty/Imaginative Play/Manipulatives/Snack/Goodbyes
* Please allow 10 to 15 minutes to drop off and pick up your child to meet with your classroom teacher and drop off or gather belongings. Children’s basic needs will always be first priority and schedules may vary based on group goals for the day, weather, seasons and special events.